Apr 18, 2011
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» Software Pencari Firmware All Nokia (NaviFirmPlus_v1.3)
» Software Pencari Firmware All Nokia (NaviFirmPlus_v1.3)
Terkadang kita sering bingung dan lupa untuk mengetahui jenis ponsel serta product code pada ponsel yang akan kita eksekusi, yang lebih kita kenal dengan kata flashing. Banyak unsur penyebab proses flashing macet di tengah jalan, terutama pada jenis ponsel nokia terbaru. Salah satu penyebabnya yaitu, salahnya file flash (fimware) yang kita masukkan untuk melakukan flashing, yang ternyata tak sama dengan product code pada ponsel tersebut.
Bagamana caranya untuk mengetahui product code suatu ponsel nokia yang akan kita lakukan flashing? Jawabnya sangat mudah kok..!! Kalian tinggal lihat product codenya di back casing ponsel tersebut, tepatnya 8 digit angka/huruf yang tertulis di atas nomor IMEI.
Tapi bagaimana jika ternyata back casingnya telah diganti? Kalian dapat melihat product code ponsel tersebut dengan bantuan Box Flasher yang pastinya sudah pada tahu semua caranya. Sebagai contoh : jika memakai Dongle Mxkey, cukup klik "BusCheck" aja.
Nah.. yang akan kita bahas saat ini adalah, bagaimana caranya agar kita bisa mendapatkan data kumpulan firmware ponsel nokia sesuai dengan product codenya masing-masing? Gampang sekali sobat.. dengan bantuan software yang satu ini, kita dapat menentukan file mana yang akan kita masukkan pada ponsel (flashing) sesuai dengan product code ponsel tersebut. Software tersebut adalah NaviFirmPlus_v1.3 atau yang lebih sering kita kenal dengan sebutan "Software Pencari Firmware Nokia".
Software pencari firmware Nokia yang saya share ini merupakan software pencari firmware versi akhir untuk saat ini. Sesuai dengan namanya, NaviFirmPlus_v1.3 memiliki kelebihan serta kesempurnaan yang berbeda dengan versi sebelumnya. Detailnya adalah sebagai berikut.
*** History ***
1.3 Change-Log:
- Fixed: Bad layout on Chinese System
- Improved: Minor GUI changes
1.2 Change-Log:
- Fixed: Error when downloading large files.
- New: Added filesize and filetype details.
- New: Parse VPL option, will automatically download and parse the VPL file and will select mandatory fw files.
1.1 Change-Log:
- New: Added support for Nokia Care Suite Server! This server contains additional fw files, like the Drive E: 16Gb file for N8.
- Improved: At startup will use the latest server choosen by the user.
1.0 Change-Log:
- Fixed: The connection to the Quality Assurance server wasn't working properly.
0.9 Change-Log:
- Fixed: Due to some old debug code I forgot, NaviFirm+ unexpectedly closed itself after the 20 December.
0.8 Change-Log:
- Fixed: Crash on Windows 7
0.7 Change-Log:
- Improved: From now on this software, available on Symbian-Toys.com website, will be named NaviFirm+ in order to distinguish it from other variants.
- Improved: Download window provides detailed informations about the downloads
0.6 Change-Log:
- New: Can be embedded as NokiaCooker's plugin
0.5 Change-Log:
- New: Added Caching.
- New: Advanced Filter for Results.
- New: Copy URLs to ClipBoard. This feature can be used to download files using any extenal Download Manager you like.
- Improved: Columns can be resized
- Improved: Window can be resized
*** Description ***
NaviFirm+ is a modded version of the NAVIFIRM tool developed by EPICBIZNUS, I made the additional improvements documented in the Change-Log.
Below follows a brief description of the NAVIFIRM tool.
NAVIFIRM is the ultimate all-purpose tool for downloading Nokia firmware images, obtaining lists of product codes, and finding the right product code for your phone. NAVIFIRM downloads all this straight from Nokia's servers so you don't have to wait for people to post data packages and lists of product codes.
NAVIFIRM is useful for just about anyone:
End users: Find product codes to use with NSS/NSU
Journalists: Be the first to know when new firmware hits NSU
Developers: Download ROM images for extracting files
Care Suite/Phoenix/box users: Download ROM images to flash Additional NSU servers can be added by editing Main.cs in the source code.
This software is provided "as is" with no warranty whatsoever, express or implied and moreover, WITHOUT any technical support, so, DO NOT contact me about this, because you WILL NOT receive any reply.
1.3 Change-Log:
- Fixed: Bad layout on Chinese System
- Improved: Minor GUI changes
1.2 Change-Log:
- Fixed: Error when downloading large files.
- New: Added filesize and filetype details.
- New: Parse VPL option, will automatically download and parse the VPL file and will select mandatory fw files.
1.1 Change-Log:
- New: Added support for Nokia Care Suite Server! This server contains additional fw files, like the Drive E: 16Gb file for N8.
- Improved: At startup will use the latest server choosen by the user.
1.0 Change-Log:
- Fixed: The connection to the Quality Assurance server wasn't working properly.
0.9 Change-Log:
- Fixed: Due to some old debug code I forgot, NaviFirm+ unexpectedly closed itself after the 20 December.
0.8 Change-Log:
- Fixed: Crash on Windows 7
0.7 Change-Log:
- Improved: From now on this software, available on Symbian-Toys.com website, will be named NaviFirm+ in order to distinguish it from other variants.
- Improved: Download window provides detailed informations about the downloads
0.6 Change-Log:
- New: Can be embedded as NokiaCooker's plugin
0.5 Change-Log:
- New: Added Caching.
- New: Advanced Filter for Results.
- New: Copy URLs to ClipBoard. This feature can be used to download files using any extenal Download Manager you like.
- Improved: Columns can be resized
- Improved: Window can be resized
*** Description ***
NaviFirm+ is a modded version of the NAVIFIRM tool developed by EPICBIZNUS, I made the additional improvements documented in the Change-Log.
Below follows a brief description of the NAVIFIRM tool.
NAVIFIRM is the ultimate all-purpose tool for downloading Nokia firmware images, obtaining lists of product codes, and finding the right product code for your phone. NAVIFIRM downloads all this straight from Nokia's servers so you don't have to wait for people to post data packages and lists of product codes.
NAVIFIRM is useful for just about anyone:
End users: Find product codes to use with NSS/NSU
Journalists: Be the first to know when new firmware hits NSU
Developers: Download ROM images for extracting files
Care Suite/Phoenix/box users: Download ROM images to flash Additional NSU servers can be added by editing Main.cs in the source code.
This software is provided "as is" with no warranty whatsoever, express or implied and moreover, WITHOUT any technical support, so, DO NOT contact me about this, because you WILL NOT receive any reply.
Untuk mendownload Software Pencari Firmware Nokia "NaviFirmPlus_v1.3" silahkan gunakan link download di bawah ini.
- Download NaviFirmPlus_v1.3 Via MediaFire
- Download NaviFirmPlus_v1.3 Via 4Shared
Selamat mendownload Software Pencari Firmware Nokia "NaviFirmPlus_v1.3" ,mudah-mudahan dengan adanya bantuan Software NaviFirmPlus_v1.3 ini, akan mempermudah kalian semua dalam pencarian firmware Nokia menurut product code ponsel yang akan kita lakukan flashing.
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